
*We are NOT medical experts, but offer this advice from experience and general knowledge. We will not offer specifics about which types of stretching, warming up, and techniques to use before games and on the court, but we highly encourage you to research this or consult an expert to get a better understanding of what to do. You are responsible for yourself and how you play this game.
  • Warm up your muscles and properly stretch before playing. Stretching alone doesn't help you warm up. Try some light resistance work on your legs and throwing arm.
  • Don't ignore the rest of your body when warming up and stretching. Many muscles will be actively utilized in dodgeball. Glute and abdominal muscles are just a few examples of areas that can get pulled and strained when playing.
  • Warm up your throwing arm before each game. Throwing the ball lightly can help you warm up, but stretching and light resistance is probably better and should be done first. There is no need to ever throw the ball as hard as you can when warming up, and we recommend keeping such throws to a minimum even during the games.
  • If your throwing arm starts to hurt while playing, please stop throwing.
  • Technique is key to throwing. Not only does it help you throw harder and more accurately, but it also will keep you safer from any injuries that may occur.
  • Following through with your throws will help save your arm a lot of pain. Do not whip your arm when throwing, as that type of motion is one of the biggest culprits for arm soreness in dodgeball.
  • Don't just throw with your arm. Try to use your whole body, from your legs to your torso when throwing. This helps take a great deal of the stress off of your arm, while sharing the force throughout your body, thus keeping you safer. It will also make you happier to notice increased velocity on your throw!
  • Be aware of the other people on the court when running, jumping and dodging.
  • NEVER throw at an opponent's head. While head shots may rarely lead to any sort of injury with the balls we use, we would rather be safe than sorry. It also behooves you to not throw at an opponents head, as direct head shots do not count, and you may be called out if a referee believes you are "head hunting".
  • Knee Pads are recommended when playing, especially if you are the type of player that plays low to the ground, or dodges to the ground.
  • Athletic Finger Tape may be a dodgeballer's best friend. Jammed fingers is one of the most common injuries in dodgeball, especially among those that are "catchers". Finger tape drastically reduces the chances of you getting a jammed finger. No, gloves do not help with jammed fingers.